The task of quality control apart from standard measurement of finished product is, first and foremost, supervision of production processes’ stability. With the use of such quality tools as 5Why, 8D or Ishikawa root causes of non-conformities are established, gathered and then grouped into categories according to certain criteria. Then using Pareto Analysis we implement corrective actions to eliminate those which are causing the most problems.
Each new product undergoes complex FAI process (First Article Inspection). On the basis of this critical parameters of products along with data collected during FMEA processes the scope, method and frequency of control is defined.
Quality control staff includes experienced quality engineers. We have own personnel for non-destructive welding tests, including VT (visual testing), PT (penetrant testing) and MT (magnetic testing) and for macro welds examinations as well. All the welded goods undergo detailed quality verification to meet the customer’s demand.